Clubhouse ground breaking article circa 1984
Just before Christmas in 1975
a half-dozen couples sat down together to discuss the feasibility of forming a full-service yacht club in Channel Islands Harbor.
In January of 1976, the Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club was established, and officially incorporated on August 17, 1976, with founding Commodore Floyd Woodcock at the helm.
PCYC officers, committee heads and club members routinely appeared at government offices in pursuit of our aim - a place in the county plans for a clubhouse and marina. We now enjoy the fruits of their efforts in our very own clubhouse alongside the Pacific Corinthian Marina. The Marina is a limited partnership made possible through the investments of our members and others, with the Pacific Corinthian Yacht Club as the General Partner. The clubhouse and the marina were dedicated in January of 1985, ten years after the first meeting was called to explore the possibility of just such a clubhouse and marina.
On February 4, 1989, we celebrated our 13th birthday by burning the mortgages on both the clubhouse and the marina!

PCYC Leadership
The founding Board of Directors, elected in 1976, was made up of twelve elected members that served one-year, two-year and three-year terms, respectively. Subsequent Directors were elected at the November annual meeting. After serving at least one year on the Board, a Director is eligible for election to Commodore, Vice Commodore or Rear Commodore. The Commodore designates Board members for the positions of Treasurer and Secretary and, with the approval of the Board, selects officers from the Board or from the general membership to function as Fleet Captain Sail, Fleet Captain Power, Port Captain, Fleet Surgeon and Judge Advocate, making up the Flag for the Commodore's Watch. Flag officers and members of the Board are responsible for the many committees that carry on the business and activities of PCYC.